Game of Thrones - New York, NY

StudioBooth and HBO transported guests from New York’s Museum of Natural History to Westeros for the Season 4 premiere of Game of Thrones. We gave guests the opportunity to sieze the throne in a truly magical setting. The Museum played host to the priemere party after guests attended a screening of the first episode at Lincoln Center and StudioBooth unveiled the throne for all to conquer.

Abercrombie & Fitch - Los Angeles, CA

Abercrombie & Fitch wanted something spectacular for their Spring 2014 Campaign Party. StudioBooth always uses high-end fashion lighting, but took it a step further to create something fabulous for this Hollywood crowd. We set up two Booths with different concepts. Our Light Painting Booth let guests paint their photos with a splash of color, adding their own flair to their photos. In stark contrast to the Light Painting Booth our B&W GIF Booth caught guests in action. As you can see, dull moment wasn’t even a remote possibility with this crowd.


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